Wouldn't it be nice to control different systems in your home from 1 professionally programmed touchpanel or remote. We can program your system in a multiple of ways to enhance your lifestyle. You can adjust the thermostats, play your favorite music, watch a movie, check on a security camera, surf the web, and control your lights all from your control device. Control devices can be in the form of wall mounted touchpanels, wireless RF remotes, and even from laptops and mobile devices. Best of all we make it easy to use!
In your Home Theater room we can turn on the projector, open the drapes, dim the lights and begin streaming your movie all by hitting a "Movie" button.
Have to run out the door and not sure if everything is off in the house?
A touchpanel by the garage door as you leave can have a button programmed to turn on a lighting scene, send an "OFF" command to your audio and video systems and arm the security system.
Rock Solid will design your system so that it's easily upgradeable. We can start with the necessities and build upon the system as budgets and desires allow.
Rock Solid is proud to be an Authorized Crestron Dealer. Crestron is the leader in Total Home Technology.
Would you like to see first hand the newest technologies available?
Let us schedule a visit to the "Crestron Experience Center" and see first hand what Automation and Integration has to offer you and your family!